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Open Class Rules


1. Hood and windshield required or approved fire suit must be worn

2. PPE - Arms and Legs must be covered - Non-polyester material

3. Body swaps allowed 

4. Any tires, any size 

5. No lift limit 

6. No blowers/superchargers/aftermarket turbo's 

7. No nitrous - remove bottle, alcohol, etc 

8. Gas, diesel and VP allowed 

9. Diesel only - Twin turbo  

10. Propane may be used but only as primary fuel source! (No injection)

 11. Driveline loops required. U-Joint guards on differentials mandatory

12. Roll Bar is Mandatory on unaltered OEM Cabs 

13. Altered Cab must have a minimum 4 point Roll Cage with 5 point harness is  mandatory 

14. Neck braces recommended 

15. Transmission brake allowed 

16. Transmission must have shield 

17. Multiple Carbs allowed 

18. Must also meet all required points in vehicle rules


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